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Posts tagged “Donna Eden

EFT and Energy Tapping, Part 2

In Part 1 of the post, I rounded up my favorite EFT web sites and gave a general description of EFT, emotional freedom technique. In this post I would like to speak about the uses for general energy tapping on the body that I have experienced.

The energy healer Carol Tuttle recommends tapping ourselves all over our body–just quickly and lightly tapping up and down our arms and legs, over our torso and head and face–at the end of any type of healing session or after learning new material or making a declaration to ourselves, after different types of internal shifts and changes. This stimulates our nervous system to notice and assist with integrating the new information, feelings or attitude we have. It also helps us be completely present in our bodies at that moment to maximize the integration process.



Energy medicine pioneers Donna Eden and David Feinstein have also taught specific methods of tapping. For example, if you have an area in physical pain, say a cut, you can lightly tap all around the area about 1 – 2 inches away from it to stimulate the nervous system away from where it’s focused, the painful area. The tapping draws the nerves attention away from the painful area, lessening the pain. I have tried this myself with success.

In addition to their own version of EFT, there’s a wealth of information about many other energy medicine methods they have developed over many years. I enjoy getting their newsletter to keep up on their latest activities and discoveries.



I’m sure there are more ways to use general tapping out there!  I wanted to make the distinction between the two types of tapping because people have told me they sometimes forget the EFT points when they are learning them and just tap all over instead. General tapping is still beneficial, but it orients more towards the nervous system while EFT tapping taps into multiple systems in the body at once.

Have fun tapping!

– Katy DeBra